Dividend payment [Dizzy] Tuesday, February 26, 2008 17:10
I got onto the bus and opened a bank account in Ug. All dividends are now paid directly into that account.
Strike while the iron is hot
Stan.Dividends [SUSU] Tuesday, February 26, 2008 08:25
I did receive the share certificate and Dyer were very efficient in sending it to met. As for the Dividends,I received the DIVIDEND WARRANT #035462 attached to it is the CREDIT ADVISE dtd 25/06/07.The ADVICE is from Stanbic Bank. I submitted my application w/o writting the bank a/c # and they are claiming to have deposited the dividends to my account.This means that someone must have written the an account # in my application.Since I am in the diaspora and transacting thru Nominee account I expected the divideds to be paid to DYER and they intern credit my account accordingly .BUT nothing is received todate!!!!!!!
oops [Democrat] Monday, February 25, 2008 13:10
Hold up..
You're saying you've never received the cheque?? Do you have the share certificate? A copy of the order form for the shares?
let me know..i might be able to help..please note...MIGHT
democracy is three wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch
green lady [Democrat] Monday, February 25, 2008 13:06
..just endorse the cheque to D&B and have them purchase more Stanbic...then when you're ready sell the whole block.. the inefficiencies in USE are too much so the less transactions you have with them the better... keep them at a buy or a sell only...
That's what i did and it worked..or at least i hope so ..havent gotten the share certificate for the extra shares bought by the dividends..
democracy is three wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch
STANBIC DIVIDENDS [SUSU] Monday, February 25, 2008 12:24
You are not alone Greenlady.The same is happeningt to me and as of now I havent' received a cent from my Stanbic Dividends!. The Credit Advice I received stated "pls note that ur dividends have been deposited to your bank account". I never stated any bank account in my application with Dyer. The advice is in the name of "EQUITY BANK LTD.COMMUNITY CORPORATE A/C290215270". Correspondace with Equity Bank were fruitless and with Dyer still pending as of now....I am about to give up.What I am worried is the future dividends ...will i ever receive any dividends from stanbic???? I am in the diaspora. Can anyone guide us?
am surprised [Sober] Saturday, February 23, 2008 11:51
Does it mean those who operate offshore accounts incur such problems?
Ama is there an easier way out of this mess.
At this level of technology I was hoping that one can buy land in venus
And clear the deal in seconds. Whats your comment on this.
A ship in harbour is safe,but that is not what ships are built for. St. Bede
Dividend payment [Sober] Friday, February 22, 2008 16:03
Cant cömment without all the info. First,is it true that the signature is diferent? Coz money issues at times becöme complicated.
A ship in harbour is safe,but that is not what ships are built for. St. Bede