Share Your NSE Stock Investment Mistakes/ Breakthroughs For 2007 [Mainat] Friday, January 04, 2008 12:25
Nice: Bought NIC immediately Amos announced the budget in June. Bought Equity in Jan 2007-say no more. Bought some NMG@245-still in the money,add some sugary dividends. Bought CFC Bank@84 during the Feb/March lows. Away from the NSE,I've also been venturing to the BRIC stock markets with handsome returns.
Not so nice:Bought BBK @ Ksh83 courtesy of my broker (thanks). Spent time balancing it out.
Share Your NSE Stock Investment Mistakes/ Breakthroughs For 2007 [3-Balls. You jus don't get it] Monday, December 31, 2007 18:01
Hired two independent certified Financial Analysts to look into and report to me why "...,nse will hit 4,000 before end of year." and actually did pay them!
They've been released.
Not a bad year [Fedha] Thursday, December 20, 2007 17:43
Like everyone else,i missed the boat on Kengen @ 18,
- completely missed out on Equity @#$
- and foolishly bought KQ shares @ 78!!...
- bought Jubilee @ 220
- Holding on to my KPLC i bought for 250
The good:
- Held on to 2000 shares of KCB (bought pre-split for 150 last year!)
- Ditto for NIC which i got @ 98
- and finally the Stanbic IPO (300%) which i'm still holding on to
"Whether you think you can,or you can't,you are right"-Henry Ford
mistake: too cautious [mukwano] Thursday, December 20, 2007 17:16
it turns out it wasnt such a bad year
sucsess: EABL way before bonus
Stanbic UG: 300%!!
i hold no other stocks,sold out in Feb.
Share Your NSE Stock Investment Mistakes/ Breakthroughs For 2007 [kainvestor] Thursday, December 20, 2007 13:16
@innocent, I feel you. My moves are below in order of my sentimental assessment and not the money made(or lost)
Best move so far should be:
- SBU's IPO(I am still holding out) - 206%
- KCB @ 24 (quite a chunk)
- Buying ICDCI @ 26 and selling @ 30 for several cycles
- Bought ICDCI @ 31.50
- Bought Ken-Re @ 17.00
- Sold Access @ 20 having topped at 16.45 plus IPO's minimum allocation
All in all I have done about 42% portfolio growth so far. Not a bad year.
007 waz a very bad year! [simonkabz] Wednesday, December 19, 2007 18:33
For the better part of this year,I waz out of the country. I watched helplessly as my well distributed portifolio waz massacred in March!!!
Imagine a dude at Suntra bought me Sameer at 38 bob....I almost shot myself but quickly remembered it waz only 500 shares.....I intend to donate them to some unsuspecting dude! Another Foko jembe bought me eveready at 18 bob.......3000 shares......may he be attacked by a thousand fleas of afghanistan camels after losin his hands n b4 rotting in Antarctica!!! psyche!
However I have made huge gains with Scan group,Kengen (i made over 150k),Baclays,ARM,Standard group....cant blv I made 40k from wil neva eva touch it again!! sasini...i made 80k,
I regret missing on equity,KCB,Access Kenya,CFC and NIC. I havent traded this year but hav learnt 2b patient,waiting 4 those minced stocks to recover n other better ones to gain mo.c u June nxt year.
The Way Of The Tiger
2007 [PKoli] Wednesday, December 19, 2007 13:16
- Having an account at Nyaga and it being managed by an agent
- Missing on the 2nd KenGen offer rumour and not buying the stock at 18. Waited for it at 12.
- Failing to buy NIC when it was below 100 even though it was one of my dream stocks
- Completely missing on the KCB bandwagon
- Buying kq at 100,90,80,70 and 60 thinking I was smart
- Buying huge chunks of Access when it was btn 12 and 14,at the time no one was willing to touch it.
- Kicking the agent
- Moving out of Nyaga stockbroker to African Alliance.
- Investing in books such as The Zurich Axioms,Sane investing in an insane world and How to make money in the stock market,papers like BD,Financial Post
- Joining SK early this year.
- Buying nbk when it was in 30s
- Buying ARM in 60s
- Muying Mumias before bonus
- Not touching eveready at all.
More important lessons learnt in SK. May you all have a wonderful 2008. Happy investing and be blessed
Share Your NSE Stock Investment Mistakes/ Breakthroughs For 2007 [MADE] Tuesday, December 18, 2007 12:36
1. As a recruit in this field of stocks investment I had been hitherto satisfied waiting only for IPO's without knowing the great potential hidden at the NSE.
2. Trusting my broker would execute orders on time. i placed a bulk buy order for a quick moving bank stock at the right price,right time,only to realise one month later wen i went to 'sell at a reasonable profit' that the same had not gone thru! Kwani some brokers are not gud at certain stocks?
3. relying on hearsay,street talk and making decisions based on mere conjecture. can be very very misleading.
4. Buying without understanding market fundamentals and co. announcements
Gud move
1. Started doing own research and realising the potential at NSE. Thanks to current govt for exposing most of us to stock investments
2. Registering at SK. i have learned alot from the veterans n now am more enlightened
People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.
Share Your NSE Stock Investment Mistakes/ Breakthroughs For 2007 [mlefu] Sunday, December 16, 2007 15:33
mistakes... takes too much time deciding on the day to start and trade at NSE..
Better late than me this coming year...
Share Your NSE Stock Investment Mistakes/ Breakthroughs For 2007 [GGK] Saturday, December 15, 2007 15:53
Bad move Bought NBK at 60/= .... I always scratch my head over this Bad move Bought Unga ... I was thinking Ugali then
Good Move Disposed Paka @18/= ... still dont believe i pulled this one Bought Scan group at 20 and disposed at 26
Lessons Dont rely on street talks do your homework
Great post young [first body] Friday, December 14, 2007 18:01
This is a very interesting post. I started trading last year post kengen ipo but i have become an active this year. Mistake number 1. Not buying into kengen at 19 to dilute my already overpriced shares at 34. Will hold till forever if i have to. mistake 2. Not buying mumias at 20tees to dilute my overpriced shares that were bought at peak price of 57. mistake 3. Never sold my meagre paka share lesson learned. Disappointments Missed out on the EABL bus. Had done my homework the month before announcements was going to trade,unfortunately i live upcountry and have to look for a weekend to travel to Nyeri/ or Nairobi usually Nairobi,the bus left without me!! I will catch the next bus to financial freedom!
Good things happened to me in the market. Number 1. Joining SK. I learned a lot. Learned to separate bulls*** from good advice. Learned how to do homework...... Very important,and learned how not to lose money. currently buying stable companies and holding them long term. When SK goes the mashada way,the political goons leave and the soccer buffoons abscond from this site i will still be logging in!!! Long live SK. Number 2. Bought into access at ipo and topped up at 14 still holding. Number 3. Bought Barclays at 62 still holding ....... very good share Number 3. Bought ICDC at 23 also holding Number 4. Bought CMC at 16 still holding Number 5. Bought KCB at 25.50 will hold till it blows.
Portfolio growth 10 percent being pulled down by kengen and mumias but mumias has at last started to behave. I am aiming to hit youngs target of 40 percent per year this and every coming year from now on. Looking to acquire more kcb,barclays,ICDC,definately safcom,and a true golden stock OCHL. Will try gamble with paka also. PS: The pombe guys can still stay on!!!!! my drink is not exotic just a cold smirnoff ice black or a mango juice peke yake!!!
Share Your NSE Stock Investment Mistakes/ Breakthroughs For 2007 [Rachel] Friday, December 14, 2007 14:34
My first and bad move was buying sameer @ 18! am still thinking of what to do with this one.
But for now I guess I'll buy more to cut down my losses and then just hold.
Share Your NSE Stock Investment Mistakes/ Breakthroughs For 2007 [Mwenyekiti] Friday, December 14, 2007 10:23
Breakthrough: Buying Equity at 89 in april and selling it in June at 140,then immediately buying KCB at 22 and selling at 29 at the end of july.
Mistakes: Buying KPLC at 285,you all know where the price is now.
Bets for 2008: Kenya Re bought at 15 and targeting to sell at 22 when they announce the end year results. I expect EPS of 1.44 (projecting from their half year EPS of 0.72) assuming a P/E of 16,then expected price would be 23.
Others; NBK to hold for 2years. Equity is also a must have.
lessons galore [innocent] Thursday, December 13, 2007 22:11
I entered nse this year. Looking back,had I got in in 2005,I would be a couple of millions richer,whylie! However,I learned fast,partly courtesy of and,though most will disagree with me on this one,through quick execution of orders by my CFC FS brokers (than you liz and evelyn). My approach this year has been active stock trading. My reasoning was: If could make a profit on a current stock of Ksh 5000+,I would sell and then,if the stock is good,buy back when it hits or dives past my earlier 'buy' level. As expected I made both good and wise decisions: First good move: bought Equity at Ksh 90 Bad move: sold it at Kshs 100 (this is one stock that requires long term mentality) 2nd good move: against well-thought out advice on this forum,I bought CFC Bank at Kshs 117 and sold at Kshs 140; then bought it again at Kshs 120 and sold at Kshs 132. I'm not sure I want to push my luck further by buying back this stock! (did I say that I have enjoyed two dividends from this stock since April?) Bad move: got access kenya ipo minimum allocation at Ksh 10 and sold at Kshs 14. Today I would have sold it at Kshs 24. Good move: bought both Jubilee and TPS EA before bonuses. Made a tidy profit on both by disposing at a good profit later (TPS at Kshs 83 and Jubilee at Kshs 240). Bad move: dilly dallied on buying KenRe hoping it will come crashing down,just to watch it climb up and up; and then,in panic,bought at Kshs 17 and immediately it started a downward climb. But judgment is still out on this one. I'm counting it as one of my long term stocks. Bad move: bought KQ at kshs 80 - y'all know where we are on this one. Again,one of my long term stocks. Good move: bought Mumias at Ksh 26.50 and sold at Kshs 31.50. I don't trust this stock. The management is uninspiring and I don't think a comesa extension of 4 yrs is worth holding out on this one. I'm not touching it for the time being. Good move: bought scangroup at Kshs 26.25. Another long time. Good move KCB at Kshs 26.25 - I'm holding out on this one. Bottomline: I have seen my portfolio grow. I have learnt some wonderful lessons. Lesson 1: Never sell at a loss unless the company is going down. Lesson 2: Separate 'stellar' stocks from 'kawaida' stocks. I learnt this the hard way after I sold Equity at Ksh 100. A bad move even though I made a profit of Ksh 10. Lesson 3: Think long term even when trading short term. Translation: as you trade in stocks that are going up,do so with the intention of buying them back at a discount (but you must do your homework well). This is also a good opportunity for one to recapitalize and buy more 'stellar' stocks. Lesson 4: Read,read,read. Lesson 5: Sometimes you've got to trust your guts,and act on them. I have sold some stocks on gut feeling and almost immediately I sold,they came tumbling down,eg. CFC,TPS,JUB. Most important lesson: timing is everything. My 2008 stock picks: KBC,Equity (I'm almost sure this one is headed for a split); KenGen; safcom ipo (if it ever happens); KQ - current price is too god to pass up,competition from Virgin and local rivals notwithstanding. etc Penny stocks: believe you me,if I can buy paka at kshs 6.70,I will but at least 10K. Then hold out for a really long time. Unga at Ksh 12 would be another ideal penny stock. They are ideal buy and forget stocks. Any one else with other candidates for penny stocks? Lets list them here.
Learn all about the financial marts
Good,Bad and Ugly [KulaRaha] Thursday, December 13, 2007 09:52
Stanbic UG,Equity,EABL
Uchumi,pls help!!!!
Business opportunities are like buses,there's always another one coming
Share Your NSE Stock Investment Mistakes/ Breakthroughs For 2007 [sheri] Wednesday, December 12, 2007 15:42
Buying Stanbic Ug during their IPO. Buying KCB @ Ksh139 before the split
Mistakes Buying Mumias during the secondary offer. Paka it was one of the most disappointing counter of the year for me.
Lessons Patience pays
Share Your NSE Stock Investment Mistakes/ Breakthroughs For 2007 [Masinza] Wednesday, December 12, 2007 14:20
Buying large chunk of Stanbic bank at IPO price
Buying large chunk of Access K at 12bob and IPO price