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Topic: When is Safaricom IPO?. - virji1988  [1,781 views | 23 replies]
Monday, March 03, 2008 22:10



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Morgan Stanley [jammo]
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 16:15

Any word yet?? And what's morgan stanley doing here??? Am sure not having coffee with jimna to catch up!!..nor just touring!!

........"N.S.E Today News that Morgan Stanley [Co Lead for Safaricom with Dyer and Blair] are in town has put some Players on the back foot and turned the Bourse a little defensive...   Sourced at

Morgan Stanley [jammo]
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 16:13

Any word yet?? And what's morgan stanley doing here??? Am sure not having coffee with jimna to catch up!!..nor just touring!!

........"N.S.E Today News that Morgan Stanley [Co Lead for Safaricom with Dyer and Blair] are in town has put some Players on the back foot and turned the Bourse a little defensive...   Sourced at

When is Safaricom IPO?. [Magda]
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 12:12

Rumour doing rounds is that the IPO kicks off on 25th.  I think its true.  Feuding politicians agreed to "eat" together so nothing will stop this IPO.

The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict. - Martin Luther
NOT THIS MONTH [marconi]
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 11:36


The govt needs money

But the govt needs the IPO to be a huge success even more!
This means they wait until they finalise the coalition through law.
And until the international community gets its confidence levels in kenya back up.
And until local investors are sorted out in the nyaga saga and get confidence in NSE.
And until houses stop being burnt - negative press about violence in kenya stops.
And until there are no IDPs in camps. IDPs means there's still violence

The transaction advisors still haven't given the final documents to CMA
CMA still hasn't looked at them so as to give the go ahead
The head of the privitisation committee still is yet to be appointed,accepted through parliament,look through the documents with his committee to give the final go ahead.

I heard many dates last year september that all turned out to be false. No one knows for sure.


You want what you dont got
When is Safaricom IPO?. [ikonini]
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 11:21

somebody mentioned about today!!!!!!!!

anything or do you still hold on the same conviction.

`THE EASIEST WAY TO EARN MONEY ………………… IS THE HARDEST WAY` (QUOTE: Kularaha-Chairman SK Investment Co.)
Ok..back to the question. [jammo]
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 09:51

When's the ipo.. All other factors remaining constant..(read politics,may-be tell air!(mobitelea) bla bla fishcake!)Any update on whats happening today? It's imperative they must address the question of the ipo but any concrete confirmation? Plus who's talking,kimunya ama michael joseph? 2.. This is a quote by Aly Khan Saatchu on nse perfomanc jana.. what does it mean?? ........"N.S.E Today News that Morgan Stanley [Co Lead for Safaricom with Dyer and Blair] are in town has put some Players on the back foot and turned the Bourse a little defensive. Medium to Longer term Institutions might use this near term opportunity to pick up supply because there is not really that much and post Safaricom [with renewed and newly piqued foreign Investor interest,this market has tremendous squeeze potential]"...... Bytheway argument on superprofits in a country with majority under dollar many people do you kno who have NO mo-phons? the way kibera has the highest number of airtime vendors!! if celtel can make huge profits on sh1 tarriff plus 16bob cross network..whats the actual cost of a call? Imagine profit margin per call that safcom has made over the years at post 20bob a call!!..not mentioning cross networks call..How many of us in safcom can call comfortably to a celtel number and just chat away???. Infor on REUTERS:By Wangui Kanina NAIROBI,Jan 9 (Reuters) - Kenya's finance minister said on Wednesday he expects the initial public offering of leading mobile phone operator Safaricom to go ahead in the first quarter of 2008,despite the country's post-election turmoil. "It is still on within this first quarter," Amos Kimunya told Reuters. Analysts and market players are concerned that a wave of violence over President Mwai Kibaki's disputed election win could delay the IPO and deter foreign investors. "I don't want the temporary clashes that are going on to remove some sections of Kenyans from participating in the IPO," Kimunya said. "I'd like to make sure conditions are right,then we will get to the IPO," he added. Safaricom is 60 percent-owned by the Kenyan government with the rest held by British mobile phone operator Vodafone (VOD.L: Quote,Profile,Research). The government plans to offload a 25 percent stake in the mobile phone services provider on the Nairobi Stock Exchange
When is Safaricom IPO?. [KulaRaha]
Monday, March 10, 2008 16:47

Actually,Mobiltelea is the monkey on EVERYONE'S back!!!: the Safcom IPO is seeking to make all shares issued in Safcom fully tradeable,not just the stuff coming for IPO. This means Vodaphone (K) will own fully tradeable shares in Safcom,that can be sold on the NSE at any time. That also means Mobitelea will also be able to dispose of its shareholding in Vodaphone (K) since this shareholding will be in the form of Safcom shares.

I'm no lawyer,but it looks like someone will sell something they didnt even pay for in the first place.

So,who's got the monkey on their back?

Business opportunities are like buses,there's always another one coming
When is Safaricom IPO?. [kizee]
Monday, March 10, 2008 16:35

MOBITELEA is a monkey on vodacom(k)'s back..last i checkd safcom and not vodacom(k) was on sale..i tell u safcom is gonna make guys wealthy,the odas im hearin brokers hav lined up from offshores are crazy,im not gonna overanalyze this i will just close my eyes and buy it
When is Safaricom IPO?. [cindano]
Monday, March 10, 2008 15:39


I now have confirmed that my simple english...

is not as simple as I thought it to be....

i did not say that mobi-thingy is a shareholder of safaricom or vice versa...

a monkey on one's back means........ 

someone help me!!!!!

Kila kitu kwa bidii
When is Safaricom IPO?. [kizee]
Monday, March 10, 2008 15:34


FYG MOBITELEA IS NOT A SHAREHOLDER IN SAFARICOM,safaricom has two shareholders1. vodafone kenya ltd 2. telkom kenya

mobitelea has shares in vodafone kenya as much as vodafone is a shareholder in safcom,this does not by extension mean that mobitelea is shareholder in safcom,theres a case cald salomon vs salomon which actually set the precedent

When is Safaricom IPO?. [cindano]
Monday, March 10, 2008 14:54

I think you have lost the gist of my thread.....

read them again....

or are you trying to flex whatever intellectual musle you might so possess????

i repeat intellectual muscle......

Kila kitu kwa bidii
Truth? [albertross]
Monday, March 10, 2008 14:30

@ Cindano,it is good to know that you have nothing against Safcom. However with your financial acumen perhaps you could demonstrate
1) Who in the Safcom management awards themselves these tenders.
2) What is the problem with the company making the kind of money it does,are you jealous,perhaps you wanted a piece of the action and you were sent away with a flea in your ear?
3) About the Mobitelea issue you can be sure the chickens will come home to roost.
4) What is the mystery in the I.P.O,unless of course you do not understand how it will be done,in which case it simply means you are in the dark and that my friend is YOUR problem.
What you have a problem with the fiscal policy of this country because Safcom make super profits.
The banks have been doing that for a long time and here you are saying you have a problem with it.
Don't make me laugh chap.
You really have some catching up to do.
HELLO,we live in Kenya not in the former Soviet Union.

Thinking is THINK!!
When is Safaricom IPO?. [cindano]
Monday, March 10, 2008 13:24


I have nothing against safaricom...

believe me.......

the company itself creates the wary...

1) a record setting profit 

2) a mobitelea monkey that is still clinging on its back...

3) a management that awards itself tenders... (who runs the adverts for the co???)

4) and the IPO shrouded in mystery....

Now if you know something about the 4 queries kindly educate us.....



I am against any fiscal framework that allows company to make superprofits....

in a region.....

or country.....

where the bulk of its citizens earn less than a dollar a day.......



Kila kitu kwa bidii

Why? [albertross]
Monday, March 10, 2008 13:15

@ Cindano,why are you so negative,thinking that  Safcom are all big talk and nothing to back it up,do you KNOW something we don't?
Fact: Last year it made the biggest profit ever by a company in E.A.
Fact: Safcom enjoys goodwill from the general public,you seem to be one of the exceptions.

So if you have something against them well that is your problem,but for heavens sake back up your statements with facts.
When you talk about Enron -like operations you cast serious aspersions on this company and that is just not on mate.

Thinking is THINK!!
When is Safaricom IPO?. [cindano]
Monday, March 10, 2008 10:23


educate me here....

safaricom and strong fundamentals?

are you referring to books???


not immune to manipulation??? 

you may know something i dont....

Kila kitu kwa bidii
When is Safaricom IPO?. [Altoo]
Monday, March 10, 2008 10:18

I reckon the best thing to do is to split your investment funds 50:50 into the IPO and into falling stocks.

Safcom is not Kenya Airways,and is based on strong fundamentals. It is also the most profitable company in East Africa. If nothing else the seeeerious demand amongst retail and institutional investors alike should buoy it against too much short term volatility.

Thats my shillings worth

Wisdom demands patience
When is Safaricom IPO?. [Dizzy]
Monday, March 10, 2008 10:17

I have also heard that as Government need to pay for the new post of PM,they IPO will not be delayed past 25th March. So get ready. Let sell off all other shares to maximise on this IPO

Strike while the iron is hot
When is Safaricom IPO?. [cindano]
Monday, March 10, 2008 09:30

My two penny predication..........

the share will not be a worthy buy at the IPO.......

by the end of the second month the market would have settled......

KQ scenario....

then the public will wind of the enron-like operations....

then watch the drop....

best advise...

as the other speculators shed of shares to finance the purchase of safaricom...

buy the undervalued shares...


Kila kitu kwa bidii
When is Safaricom IPO?. [abshomar]
Monday, March 10, 2008 09:11

Tomorrow they will announce Safaricom IPO date which will be 25.03.08,share price 5/- per share.Get prepared guys.
When is Safaricom IPO?. [dsktop]
Monday, March 10, 2008 08:45

Very hard to call this one cause whether we admit  it or not its still very political.RAO took the Govt to court over it and it will be extreemly ......................of him to okay it just because he isn't anti govt. anymore.Then again maybe he has seen the reality of  govt expenditure and realised that they need the money  and so he may just keep quiet,not neccesarily agree with its sale. Also there is the possibility that kimunya will push it under his desk for a while and hope we pull thru with donor funding now that there is some renewed goodwill from abroad.But for all concerned this is a nail biter!!ENJOY!

its never good till its gone!!!!
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