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Topic: BOOK CLUB - jammo  [391 views | 15 replies]
Monday, March 10, 2008 16:03
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Hi guys..

  Any idea of a place with a book club that features mainly investment books.. Am a book freak and it can get really lonely reading on stock markets alone!!!!! And ie you've read no one to share with..

I got into a club sometime back.... quit when out of 10 guys only three managed read the... who moved my cheese.. Am stuck with all these stocks books... that no one borrows...

 Ama anyone here book crazy.?  Currently am doing Jim Collins Good to made a blunder n passed by book point.. got intelligent investor by Benjamin graham,monk who sold his ferrari..The Secret by Byrne..and now discover your strengths.. i have no idea by who!! I think am addicted!!!

 Anyways..any one knows of a club or willing to help me start one??

 I'd really appreciate.

@SK..may be u could consider starting a book coenr to review books concerning stock,bond,interest rates..economics...yada yada yada!!!! Trust me,you already have a fan!!

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BOOK CLUB [dtrx]
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 16:31

You could also learn something new from this website:

Tuesday, March 11, 2008 16:21

@ democrat...bookpoint.. i can't remember price but twas betwin shs540 n 8soc

BOOK CLUB [Kamwari]
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 16:12

@ Sophie Thanks.

@ Democtrat Text book Center Sarit Center Westlands

This life,if lived well,Once is enough!
Where? [Democrat]
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 16:10



where i get the book?


 'the monk who sold his ferrari'


democracy is three wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch
Free e-books links [sophie]
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 15:56

Kamwari,try the following link;                                                                                                                                     

or u can google  'free stock trading e-books'

BOOK CLUB [jammo]
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 15:25

@sophie... thanx for the link.. By the way.. good to great will challenge john maxwell leadership model and really messes up our concept of team biulding... Its become more of a study manual for me..especially analysing company management...awesome the end you'll realise KQ's hope lies in firing naikuni..nice dude...done good..but we want greater..otherwise..naturally you'l fly virgin air...and wonder whats wrong with KQ!!! Thanx again.

 Please mail the e books!!

BOOK CLUB [Kamwari]
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 13:21

@ Sophie

Thanks for the link,please post the other links for books on trading.

This life,if lived well,Once is enough!
BOOK CLUB [sophie]
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 12:21

Jammo,go to for free downloads of the books behind 'the secret'.  They are 'The Science of Getting Rich' and 'Master Key System'

I  have lots of ebooks on trading,if u like i can email the links.

ps.begin with 'The Secret' then read 'The monk.....(you'll understand why when your done)

by the way i bought 'Good to Great' jana. thanks

BOOK CLUB [Kamwari]
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 10:25

Jammo we are in the same boat...

Am so glad you posted this thread,we should begin a book club,recently I joined a book club,but the intrests of the other members were books from west Africa which are really not my type...

AM currently reading the Secret by Byne and its a great great fantastic book,the monk who sold his Ferrari not yet would love to read it so will grab myself a copy,but by the same author is The saint The surfer and the CEO

Am a book fanatic,I walk into Text book center and I want to buy like all the books but I have to restrain myself...

Am also reading thought to build on and guidlines to investing,I would really like to see your collection.  Am glad you posted this thread. Begin a book club and count me in.

This life,if lived well,Once is enough!
Crazy About Books [wandabwa]
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 09:38

@ jammo

We should be sailing in the same boat.

I am so crazy about books.

Trouble is finding like minded fellows to share both the books and the ideas.

Since I have been finding it rough getting a book club,I have been surviving by buying my own books.

A book club is a welcome idea anywhere any time.

British Council Lib [Chaka]
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 09:26


I believe the British Council Libraries In Kenya  closed down due to low readership due to competing sources on information i.e the internet.Can someone confirm this?

BOOK CLUB [sheri]
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 08:45

@ Jammo you can be the force behind the book club. You should start with a few guys maybe 5 and them build on that number.  Maybe you have concentrated to much on investment books which might not be interesting to many people. What I can advice you is to include other topics like motivational books,biographies,or religion this will make the club more interesting.

The main objective of the club should be sharing books and any other informational material . Club members should be ready to spend on books. Which most kenyans think is a waste of money.

Another option is to join a library like British Library it is well stocked and it will help you save a lot instead of buying books you can be borrowing from the library.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008 00:48

Was it a real ferrari ama a toy? Just kidding. This is a brilliant idea although most kenyans dont like reading,leave alone books. Hata gazeti.

A ship in harbour is safe,but that is not what ships are built for. St. Bede
BOOK CLUB [sophie]
Monday, March 10, 2008 18:38

'Monk who sold his ferrari'- great read. I highly recommend it!!!!

BOOK CLUB [se7en]
Monday, March 10, 2008 18:27

interesting... coulkd I borrow the monk who sold his ferrari? :D

if you can not be kind,at least have the decency to be vague
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