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Topic: Rwanda Securities exchange opens - m.Bulls  [280 views | 2 replies]
Friday, February 01, 2008 17:30
While listening to BBC yesterday night,I heard Rwanda's stock exchange has started operation and was opened by Paul himself.Any one with info on how to venture there?I hear Jimna Mbaru was in the panel that set the thing up and he is currently there as I write.
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Look and u will see [Sober]
Friday, February 01, 2008 23:11

You are right,it was launched yesterday 31st jan in kigali (read chigali) its called Rwanda Over The Counter Market ROTCM and its the fourth in the great lakes region. In the first trading operation the bond market attracted 7 transactions worth 180.1million Rwf (rwandese franks) The first two listed debt securities were 2year govt treasury bonds maturing in 2010 with periodic interest rate of 8% p.a Total of 30.1mn Rwf worth treasury bills were transacted in 4 deals at prices btn 102.50 and 102.75 Also 10yr ECR bond maturing in 2017 with periodic interes of 9% was transacted at 100.25 in 3 deals worth 150mn Rwf still interested in going there? No IPOs yet,but zikifika,let me know. Happy investing abroad
@MB [Chaka]
Friday, February 01, 2008 18:00


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