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Topic: Deci.etc - macho  [1,631 views | 55 replies]
Friday, December 08, 2006 14:34
How good are these other investments Vehicles eg DECI?
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Deci.etc [Eddiemundu]
Thursday, March 13, 2008 12:45

This thread is like Going to Dandora in Pursuit of one expensive PIZZA that yu ate Last year !..unimaginable !!...Funda-iyo !!.i thot SK said they Delete Threads that are 1 month old..

How long is one month to it 1 Year+???..ama Macho is SK's Exhumer ??


sfi explained [innocent]
Wednesday, March 12, 2008 22:50

[quest and sfi...innocent and ok karanja ...pliz clarify]

Unlike pyramid schemes,affiliate marketing,which SFI is all about,is actually employed by brick and mortar businesses to increase sales by ensuring that there are as many people as possible  to market their products.

The rule of thumb in any company that employs network marketing is that it must have a range of products and services. SFI depends on the sales that are made by her over 8 million affiliates all over the world. It is from these sales that commissions are calculated. You have the option to build a strong team (that is,recruit other affiliates and benefit from a fraction of their commissions)

And the beauty of it is that if you are a savvy marketer,you need not spend a single coin from your pocket. If you can make sales for the company,you will already be in profit territory without spending a coin. And joining the program is also free.

In other words,while pyramid schemes scheme you off your money,a network company like SFI provides you with a range of products and services and compensates you for every sale you make; and for every sale made by members of your team. But don't take my word for it. Go to and find out for yourself.

Learn all about the financial marts
Deci.etc [Sober]
Wednesday, March 12, 2008 21:33

Must you guys revive some i dont know 19..What! Discussions.

A ship in harbour is safe,but that is not what ships are built for. St. Bede
DECI????? [eliamnjiru]
Wednesday, March 12, 2008 20:49

Kijana...ukitaka kupoteza pesa be my guest.. i lost 150000shs to DECI last year. i'm still pursuing those briefcase salesmen for my money...tafadhali???/
Deci.etc [gashoroge]
Wednesday, March 12, 2008 18:11

quest and sfi...innocent and ok karanja ...pliz clarify

lets talk about anything!
Deci.etc [gashoroge]
Wednesday, March 12, 2008 18:01

quest and sfi...innocent and ok karanja ...pliz clarify

lets talk about anything!
Sunday, May 27, 2007 04:34




Don't wait for extraordinary opportunities. Seize common occasions and make them great! Weak men wait for opportunities; strong men make them. Whether you say you can make it; or you cant make it; you are both ways right. The greatest Risk is not risking to risk… Nothing changes,if nothing changes! It is by universal misunderstanding that all agree. For if,by ill luck,people understood each other,they would never agree.
PONZI - PYRAMID [arapberen]
Saturday, May 26, 2007 13:04

A pyramid (PONZI) scheme will always collapse,simple maths? It cannot be sustained in the long-run.

1. They have to collapse one time or another.
2. People will lose their money
3. There will be court case which will be a losing battle since there are no tangible assets to be auctioned.
4. Wise investors don't go to such schemes

Let me ask,how can you invest your money where there is nothing tangible,dosen't make any economical sense.

This topic is real boring

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams
AMITY [sageauk]
Saturday, May 26, 2007 11:12

Another one like DECI is Called AMITY in nairobi and Meru. Who has Info bout it

" In this business if you're good,you're right six times out of ten. You're never going to be right nine times out of ten."
Deci.etc [totie]
Thursday, January 04, 2007 13:23

All said and done,it is not a quick rich scheme and not a pyramid,nyramid and all the rest.  Banks are scared coz all their deposits are going to one account.  Right now,from my privy little knowledge,i know anti fraud,donde and the banks are having a meeting to discuss way forward.  He has followed the laws and rules,the banks wanted.  Nway,soon it will be a bank/sacco (?) not sure,what they agreed on.

But like i said earlier,mama mboga now can afford to stock vegetables and save money.


Just curious [VituVingiSana]
Thursday, January 04, 2007 00:24

Does DECI expect you to find other investors e.g. find another 10 "investors" before you get back the original amount + profits after 9 weeks?

Assuming a 100/- investment: Is the 150/- admin fee referred to deducted before or after one gets the 250/- "profit"

I am staying away but it fascinates me how the system works!

Greedy when others are fearful,Very fearful when others are greedy - to paraphrase WB
deci.etc [notagain]
Sunday, December 31, 2006 11:28

DECI,sasanet,Sylvi...they all have no tangible business. THey are not businesses but schemes (pyramid sounds better) ..As i put  it Before,they collect money from you today....after 5weeks they have collected enough from other depositors to pay u handsomely....then you tell your friend about it,..and the chain goes on. ALL THEY ARE DOING IS TO USE CURRENT DEPOSITS TO PAY THOSE THAT HAVE MATURED. If someone tells you they are investing offshore...lie. If they tell you they are dong overnight lending which is lucrative...a bigger lie. If they tell you they are investing at the NSE.,dont you have stocks there? LIE!!!!.  Again,woe  unto you if you will not have harvested  when this guys come down,coz the truth is,at some point the current deposits will not be enough to payoff the matured investments. like someone has said...if you have some cash you wish to bet with...go ahead,if you loose,you loose..what the heck....BUt pls,when telling your friends about it...let them have a clear picture; and YAP..its sweet as it lasts....

Doubting Julie [Julie]
Friday, December 29, 2006 07:27

I have read with concern how my fellow Bloggers are interested in making VERY QUICK MONEY! I sympathise with those who wish to lose their money no matter how little to enrich the likes of Donde whoever you believe he represents. I conman can present himself in any way,wether flashing money like the Aturs,or looking smart an honourable like DECI. Forgive me,but there are a few trustworthy schemes that give you commissions for sale of its products like Gold quest,marketing exclusive items like pendants,time pieces,commemorative items that appreciate in value with time like gold and silver. Now what i dont understand is what the hell Deci is making money from??????


pray its not you! [fomoney]
Friday, December 29, 2006 05:09

If it walks like a duck,clucks like a duck,by golly its a duck. Whatever anyone spins this is a pyramid scheme and when the hens come home to roost some people will be left worthless checks,contracts etc. The issue is not if but when. Those participating,pray your are not one of them. It sure is sweet while it lasts.
WHY [zaubermause]
Thursday, December 28, 2006 21:29

My only guess is that the banks are scared! Hell who wouldnt be when a new project that will help the masses comes up. Secondly we are dealing with Joe Donde famous for Donde bill. He is a guru and the banks know this too! I think we need to step back and ask what evidence do the banks have to discredit DECI. Can they tell us which law DECI has violated. have a look at this;=49 Having said that,my advice is invest only what you can afford to lose! until the banks give me evidence to the contrary i will risk a bit of money:-)
DECI Clearer [lordmwesh]
Thursday, December 28, 2006 18:52

Totie,it’s cool to defend what you know as good. At least now you have cleared a lot of mist from most of our eyes. But I still need a question answered.


There are still very many question marks.???????????????????????????????
People still want to know were all that interest is coming from,or going. Remember,in a MGR concept,an investor gets only what he planted. No more,no less. It’s only a form of savings.

And is DECI still recruiting?

Please totie and zaubermause make the air crystal.

I have nothing to declare except my Genius
Deci.etc [totie]
Thursday, December 28, 2006 18:02


Apologies if you didnt invest in sylvia (samehea mimi).

Since you call it DECeIT,i do not know that one,but do know DECI,which stands for Developing Entrepreneurship Capacity Initiative,also Tujibebe Revolving Fund. And from Zaubermause says,it is PLANT and you HARVEST,and slightly different from merry-go-round,as when you get your harvest,your initial principle is replanted back,in order for mama mboga to also earn.  They have institutionalized the MGR concept,and instead of having it monthly,they use weeks (6,10,13 wks),after 5 weeks,after 9 weeks and after 12 weeks you should get your harvest.

It started and there is no ROI as you put it,but when you can get 64 people join within a month,they do pay you some percentage of the administrative fees,which is levied and you end up being a promoter.  Right now,it is word of mouth,and no need to introduce people.

Donde is not going to rival Kirubi or Merali,but deep down in mama mboga's heart,he is a god sent person. His intention was to uplift the mama mboga,jua kali and not kirubi etc. And DECI has christain concept to it,the reason for harvest,plant,sow etc.

And Zaubermause,you sister is right,and it is not getting 250% but you do get 2.5 times hwat you invest. Try and do with maths with me.

Each week you save 100 every week for 5 weeks = 500bob

DECI pays you after 5 weeks = 350bob for every 100 but since you replant initial principle of 100 = 250

Administration costs = 150 bob 

So for every 100bob,you get paid 250.

He intends for you to save more and earn at the same time. Come next year,there are products which will be out,and sure do know there is going to be an uproar,as houses,cars,etc.  You need more info,get in touch


more on DECeIt [lordmwesh]
Thursday, December 28, 2006 14:50

Totie seems to have more stake in DECeIt than the avarage blogger here.

I wonder who told you i am a sylvia invester? I actually heard about sylvia in this forum.

"lordmwesh you invested in sylvia".

Please totie have the privilage of educating us on how DECI work. Does an investor have to introduce someone to get Return On Investment (ROI)

And if Donde was a master investor,i would expect him to be rivalling Warren Buffet or at least our own hustler Merelli and Kirubi

I have nothing to declare except my Genius
Evidence [zaubermause]
Thursday, December 28, 2006 14:29

Well people am glad i found this topic. My own family member has written to me about DECI(the one of Donde) Firstly one is not getting 250% as some people are saying! Here is an extract from the email she sent me "What you do,just raise whatever amount invest with, Deci Capacity building. Depending on the amont you invest,- they call it planfting a seed. withing either 5,9,or 13 weeks you will harvest 2.5 timesthe amount you plant. I have already planted and harvested the first season I deposited 5000 andtoday was the end of 9 weeks. I have received 17500but i will not spend the whole amont. i have taken home 12500 because i have to replant the original 5000 inorder to harvest again after 9 weeks,which i will get another 17500.after you have harvested 5 times,i will have qualified for another category of bettween 10 and 100 thousand kshs. Still i have many unanswered ????? who is behind DECI,how do they make this profits so as to pass them back to the investors,please can someone shed some more light!!! thank
Deci.etc [totie]
Thursday, December 28, 2006 12:58

Kombewa and mwesh

Am amused at you pple,lordmwesh you invested in sylvia. I believe Micro finance,Ponzi,Pyramid schemes are very different. And when you guys say percentage? i dont know which % you are talking abt? Get the DECI concept and know how it works before making decisions.

The article on sunday paper was one that was done around July/Sept and few words/sentences were changed.  hey,do u want a CBK  anti fraud cert to prove? coz it is all there,i had my doubts but saw and believed. 

Any more? let me about sylvia?


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