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Topic: Any good webhosting ISP? - chepkeres  [222 views | 4 replies]
Wednesday, February 27, 2008 18:30
I am looking for an ISP that can host a website that I am developing. Where should I look for one and what should I look out for? Some of those being advertised on the web seem not reliable. Also,roughly how much should  I expect to cough per annum?
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Preferred Web Hosting Companies [shazlina]
Friday, February 29, 2008 07:39


Locally uunet are the most reliable web hosting company...abit expensive though. safaricom hosts with them.

Internationally...Network Solutions Ltd. [ ]
is the most reliable...nation media hosts with them.

NetFirms of the UK is also a popular web hosting company.

NB. I carried out a personal research since I also want to develop and host websites.

“Money is not the most important thing in the world. Love is. Fortunately,I love money.”
superb [innocent]
Thursday, February 28, 2008 15:17

Don't bother with the local isps. They will charge you a bomb. I use Superb Internet of Canada. Been using them since 2002. I have no regrets. My current hosting account costs me US$90 per year,and domain name at Us$9.95 per year. I can host at least 10 websites with my current account at no extra fee. And Superb has been around since the 90s. It's one of the most trusted ISPs in canada and usa. The rest just try to catch up.

Well,here is the link:

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Go global! [KulaRaha]
Thursday, February 28, 2008 07:49

Forget the local ISPs,they have slow connections and lousy customer service.

I use,good prices,speeds,volumes,greats ervice,backup,all hosted millions of miles away!

Business opportunities are like buses,there's always another one coming
Webhosting features and fees [lordmwesh]
Wednesday, February 27, 2008 18:48


You will need to register a domain,and secure website hosting space.
The domain,and hosting space will cost you 2999/year all inclusive of
1. Domain
2. Website Space of 2Gb and bandwidth
3. Unlimited e-mails
4. php,Mysql e.t.c
5. 24/7,365.25 website availability
6. Overseas servers,with best technical support

This is only an offer that will last until Easter March 23rd 2008

Contact me to facilitate.
[email protected]
tel: 2100511
Cel: 0722402248

or come to our office
Igoji House,2nd Floor,Room2.
Opp Al-Noor exhibition,near Accra Hotel
Tsavo Road,Off Accra Road,on Tom Mboya Street,Nairobi
Ask for Dan



I have nothing to declare except my Genius

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