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Topic: SAFARICOM IPO - KulaRaha  [691 views | 28 replies]
Monday, October 29, 2007 11:43

Rumour has it that Chris Murungaru and Transcentury have already been allocated kshs 3B worth of Safaricom shares,even before the IPO is announced!!!!

Anyone with more info?

Business opportunities are like buses,there's always another one coming
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Monday, October 29, 2007 18:12

I wanted to respond to this post by saying 'No comment' but having second thought,i could have done injustice to others.
In my view,the author of this crap is a cynic who only rejoices amidst ethnic hatred.With all the interest that Safcom attracts,no sane person can pull such a stunt,be they TC or Hon Murungaru himself. The work of Cynics is clear,Talk nonsense and pretend to have reliable sources.You listen to them or pay attention to them,you are finished.They exist to pull everyone down and convince you of the real hell in any known investment on earth.Watch out everyone and use logic and common sense as well as your own intuition.
SAFARICOM IPO [kainvestor]
Monday, October 29, 2007 17:03

I would not wish to be quoted at any one time but I know that the current owners(Vodafone Kenya -40 %) would be looking at the first chance to increase their shareholding. What with the short term mentality that we have (as retail investors). Most of us will be selling at say 5 to 8 times the offer price only for it to rise as the supply is killed by those buying to hold(through nominees acc.)

I know Safaricom will be making good money for quite some time into the future and it will offer some of the most handsome dividends over time..

Buy Safaricom to hold. Do not let those already with enough shareholding obtain more.
Monday, October 29, 2007 16:52


whats exciting you in this safaricom dealings????

you almost sound orgasmic!!!!

Kila kitu kiasi...kazi...kula...kucheza...kunywa...hata ujinga
Monday, October 29, 2007 16:42

Business opportunities are like buses,there's always another one coming
Monday, October 29, 2007 16:12

this means...

Safaricom = 45% GoK + 30% Vodafon (UK) + 15% IPO + 10% Mobitelea....

If IPO is investor-specific then Vodafon (UK) and Mobitelea would easily increase their share-owning....

This deal smells.......

Kila kitu kiasi...kazi...kula...kucheza...kunywa...hata ujinga
Monday, October 29, 2007 16:04

Safaricom= 60% GOK,+ 40% Vodafone kenya

Vodafone kenya = 30% vodafone uk + 10% mobiltelea


Safaricom= 60% gok + 30% vodaphone uk + 10% mobiltelea

Now,25% of GOK shareholding is being sold,so now

Safaricom= 15% IPO (with !0% of this going to the homeboys) + 45% GOK + 30% Vodafone + 10% mobitelea

Stinks to high heaven,and still I'll buy!

Business opportunities are like buses,there's always another one coming
Monday, October 29, 2007 15:52

If Safaricom = 60% Telkom + 40% Vodaphone


safaricom = 60% Telkom + 36% Vodafon (UK) + 4% Mobitelea......

Therefore Safaricom = Telkom + Vodafon (UK) + Mobitelea...

If that is so.... whose shareholding is being IPOed???


Kila kitu kiasi...kazi...kula...kucheza...kunywa...hata ujinga
Monday, October 29, 2007 15:44


Say they set aside 10% for Safaricome dealers,that comes to Kshs 4B.

Do you know of any dealers connected to the present regime,particulary Murungaru? I do....and you do too,just do your research!

Name is similar to Mobiltelea,just last few letters are different

Its almost poetic!!!!!

Business opportunities are like buses,there's always another one coming
Monday, October 29, 2007 15:41

Safaricom Owners - 60% Telkom 40% Vodafone Kenya

Telkom Owners - 100% GoK

Vodaphone Kenya Owners - 90% Vodafone UK 10% Mobitelea


Do the math

Fake it until you make it!
SAFARICOM IPO [oblongblong]
Monday, October 29, 2007 15:36

A suspect allocation of 3 billion of Kenyas' biggest IPO?Maybe possible. If the safaricom IPO was on sale at marikiti  on a low day.(Pun FULLY intended)

People,this is an IPO. There are at least three law firms involved,one of which is  not  a local firm. There is  a lead transaction advisor,  a stock broker,a slew of additional advisors,the capital markets authority and the NSE involved. And that is just who is on the forefront. There are at a bare minimum 25 different people involved in this and it is probably pushing 50.  I could almost bet my career,and friends,mine is a really promising one,that it is virtually impossible to make such an allocation quietly. Now,you may be saying that this is precisely why our good friend Kula raha,discovered it but then the question would be,why would Murungaru do it,and so poorly cover his tracks?(particularly after Anglo leasing)

Good people,Safaricom is not owned by the government of Kenya only. 60 percent Telkom 40 percent Vodafon Kenya.(well,there is the issue of Mobitelea,which I would have you know does not own 5% of Safaricom. Rather,it owns shares in Vodafon)
Well it may be the government selling its shares to the public,  Vodafon would be very interested to ensure that the process keeps away Anglo-leasing type attempts.

We are members,presumably well acquainted with the way the stock market works. we are presumably also people who carefully consider their statements before these are submitted here. One will wonder why we would ride on such a statement which has even been referred to a rumour. And s/he will continue to insist on its plausible authenticity.

Do you want Mr. Jones to come back?
Monday, October 29, 2007 15:35


do Mobitelea own any safaricom shareholding???


Kila kitu kiasi...kazi...kula...kucheza...kunywa...hata ujinga
Monday, October 29, 2007 15:33

Mobitelea's identity may or may not be revealed in the Safaricom IPO document.  My guess is that it will not be revealed and the IPO will go through as is. This will legitimise Mobitelea's holding.

Like Mobitelea,there awill also be new shareholders of high value,which are guys I was asking about originally.

The intrigue is amazing!

Business opportunities are like buses,there's always another one coming
Monday, October 29, 2007 15:26

That raises the question.....

Who is Mobiltelea????

And where do they have a shareholding??


Kila kitu kiasi...kazi...kula...kucheza...kunywa...hata ujinga
I DOUBT IT [KulaRaha]
Monday, October 29, 2007 15:20

The fundamentals of the company are good.

There is also Mobiltelea to deal with...I think this IPO was part of the promises made to Moi's gang in exchange for support ( that really did not materialise to anything).

The stock price should not drop,remember Vodafone is still in control after the IPO.

Business opportunities are like buses,there's always another one coming
Monday, October 29, 2007 15:15

my humble prediction....

once the cat's let out the bag.... and this shall be the first thing the new Government will do....

the stock will plummet...

Kila kitu kiasi...kazi...kula...kucheza...kunywa...hata ujinga
Monday, October 29, 2007 15:11

Given this IPO is being fast-tracked for personal reasons,I don't think there will be a very low minimum to keep out the small timers.

Also,given foreign investors,price per share must be higher than at least $1.

Business opportunities are like buses,there's always another one coming
Monday, October 29, 2007 15:07

and run the risk of oversubscription.... refund....queues...?

without any hint as to the real value of each share?

i will watch and wait for the dust to settle!!!

Kila kitu kiasi...kazi...kula...kucheza...kunywa...hata ujinga
Monday, October 29, 2007 14:54

While I hate the fact a bunch of crooks are sharing up state resources,

and I fell bad for the poor who are consistently getting the short-end of the stick,

I unfortunately am greedy enough to make sure i get a piece of the Safaricom pie.

My conscious will not be clear,but I am from the old school - money will help me cleanse it!

Business opportunities are like buses,there's always another one coming
Monday, October 29, 2007 14:41

so,whats the advice?

buy or stay clear?

Kila kitu kiasi...kazi...kula...kucheza...kunywa...hata ujinga
Monday, October 29, 2007 14:37

He says categories as follows:

- QII local

-QII foreign


-everyone else

I understand High networth has been taken care of through dealers,hence no category. Also,this is not a vote winner,it is now being done to quickly allocate shareholding amongst friends.

Business opportunities are like buses,there's always another one coming
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