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Topic: Which MPs should be sent packing and why? - cindano  [271 views | 11 replies]
Monday, October 29, 2007 14:29

The first and without alarming snakes,is...

Hon. can not be so politically irresponsible and surivie...THERE"S SIMPLY NO WAY....

Number 2,.......Hon. Uhuru Kenyatta......

He held the responsibility of leading in opposition to check the extremities of the current Government...and then you go to bed with them..... OUT

Number 3,...Hon Kituyi....misleading the general citizenry...WHAT SUGAR QUOTAS?



Kila kitu kiasi...kula...kunyanywa...hata ujinga
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Kamotho.. [mlefu]
Monday, October 29, 2007 20:26

this guy should have been home 2002 but then the folks forgot what he had taken us through because of the kibaki and narc after opposing the government for 4 years... and totaly doing nothing for us..................hes now backing Kibaki and this is another ticket for him back to the house.....MATHIOYA pple i wish you gave someone else a chance for improvement....since i as born i havent seen anyone else represent us ...ohh except for another big time loser..Njakwe...i comforted him once and he excused  none performance because he was in the opposition...i....i cant remember the swear word i used.
Kamotho alale
ALL MPs are home already! [ji]
Monday, October 29, 2007 19:19

You guyz like blogging over nothing of significance...but when a topical thread comes up you adulterate it with all sorts of tribal  vitriol.

No 1. ALL former MPs are curretly in the race for nominations and thereafter elctions following dissolution of the 9th Assembly.

No 2. Consequently all the 210 seats including Othaya,Langata,Dujis,Amagoro and the one's you don't even know which province they're located are vacant and up for grabs.

No 3. Instead of typing away and foaming in the mouth over this candidate.. and that 9this tribe and that) some of you could have gone for these plum jobs if  you ever thought your English is better than Livondo's or your Swahili is more eloquent than Gor Sungu's.

No 4. Because you certainly come from various constituencies your debate about an area where you wont cast a ballot is an exercise in futility only comparable to a fool trying to empty the ocean with a bucket.

No 5. Someone give me a thread on stocks....kumekucha,mashada,,jaluo. com etc etc are there for idlers who want to abandon their game for another people's domain.

Which MPs should be sent packing and why? [riahana]
Monday, October 29, 2007 18:44

Murangaro must go.....i shudder eery time i see him on a podium

Rueben ndolo time is up-Kajwang too-you dont steal clients money and pretend everytthing is ok

Jebii kilimo-For just being soooo unreliable

99% jesus 1% genius
Which MPs should be sent packing and why? [ikonini]
Monday, October 29, 2007 16:47


you will pardon a layman like me,

but the two questions hold no any difference may be in their structures,

anyway,Raila is a must go.

stock trading is a matter of timing.a minute can make you lose or gain a million box.
Which MPs should be sent packing and why? [heavenly body]
Monday, October 29, 2007 16:35


Good post.  If ever there was a thread to help impart logic and some good sense to those who labelled us is this one.

As you can see,we are moving closer to home......Sasha,if you decided to run've my vote.

Success is measured not by the position one has reached but by the obstacles they have overcome. Booker,Washington
Which MPs should be sent packing and why? [cindano]
Monday, October 29, 2007 16:31


My question was quite simple....

which MP SHOULD BE SENT packing and not ....

which MP is not coming back???

Kila kitu kiasi...kazi...kula...kucheza...kunywa...hata ujinga
Totally agree HB [Sasha]
Monday, October 29, 2007 16:29

I totally agree with you HB. I live in South C and before that I lived in Adams! Raila has done nothing for those areas. Go to Toi Market. Chafu sana,worse than 2001. Karanja has become a slum,Fort Jesus has become a large squalor. South C is no better. The roads are pathetic. It is only until recently that Mayor Dick Wathika repaired the roads and wekad street lights.

Aende nyumbani Raila!

I spit in the face of fakers
No. 6- David Mwenje [gitosh]
Monday, October 29, 2007 16:27

That guy's done zilch for Embakasi... Norman Nyagah shld def go home; as well as Beth Mugo
can we bet on that [ikonini]
Monday, October 29, 2007 16:23


Funny enough the three chaps you mentioned will be back,

can we bet on that?

stock trading is a matter of timing.a minute can make you lose or gain a million box.
Which MPs should be sent packing and why? [heavenly body]
Monday, October 29, 2007 16:01

No. 4 Raila........why??

I grew up in Ngumo,Langata performance on nothing!! roads,lighting; visited the place recently........nada.......even after CDF!!  Never saw the guy ever!!

No. 5   Beth Mugo.......

Moved to Upper Hill,Dagoretti constituency.....really can't see what that lady has done....maybe other Dago areas..............Heard KJ of Redyklass fame is challenging her. My vote is certainly not for her.

Success is measured not by the position one has reached but by the obstacles they have overcome. Booker,Washington
No 4 Fred Gumo [KulaRaha]
Monday, October 29, 2007 15:38

This retard represents the most cosmopolitan constituency in Africa.

No improvment to roads,security,lighting,phones,nothing!

Give us chnage!!

Business opportunities are like buses,there's always another one coming
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