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Topic: Pathetic Barclays - same ol G  [466 views | 18 replies]
Tuesday, October 30, 2007 14:12
I find it rather pathetic and an insult to Kenyans when I see all over big posters by BBK advertising Premier League....I appreciate the fact that Kenya's football has gone to the dogs but why cant they promote or advertise what we are good at like our track kings...volley ball queens...I now understand why some people really hate this multinatianals.......they are making money from us and even making money for their other sister (companies) FA.....I think time has come for such institutions to be made to support local endeavors by FORCE!!!

if you live to please others you will never please yourself
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007 19:15

First Alex ferguson should use the money he got after selling Heinze,to buy a new pair of glasses for him to be able to  see that Silvestre is only good while playing hide and seek!
otherwise the two teams will settle for a barren draw slowing down the race and allowing CHELSEA to close the Gap!Otherwise Barclays...........Kenyans should think twice before associating with these monsters!

employees work for a company investors reap the dividends
What!!! [albertross]
Tuesday, October 30, 2007 18:54

We were talking about BBK and the way they behave in Kenya. After closing people's accounts in  the '90's they do not seem to have learnt the leeson 'do not try to show Kenyan's you are to good for them'.  Show some respect BBK!!
Good share but a  -/50 dividend,lets hope there is something better this time .

By the way Arsenal's season is about to implode,starting at the Emirates on Sunday.
Arsenal 2 Man Utd 4.
It is MAN UTD  people not Man U!!!
It just goes to show there are to many jonny-come-lately types who THINK they are supporters,but when a team is going through tough times,they are nowhere to be seen.
Pathetic Barclays [oblongblong]
Tuesday, October 30, 2007 18:48

Barclays! Pathetic because they sponsor the English Premier league? Now why would you think so?

First: BBK do NOT sponsor the English Premier League. Never have. Barclays PLC sponsors the league. BB PLC is a separate company from BBK,based in the UK. Since they are the holding company of our local subsidiary,they will on insist that Adan puts on his banking halls whatever premier league posters they want put up. Comprende!

Secondly: If you were Bill Gates,would you sponsor Kenya's soccer. WHO watches Kenyan soccer any more? We don't play decent soccer,notice I said don't,not can't. If we tried hard enough,maybe,but now,doesn't make business sense. Look,for a while every year,FIFA sent in tons of money to our KFF. We ate it. ALL! Kenya Breweries tried to sponsor Harambee Stars,nara.

Hey guys,we run well,are decently good at boxing,play some pretty good volleyball,why dont we concentrate on our strengths? You never hear Brazil mourning that they never make to the Basketball finals?

Do you want Mr. Jones to come back?
Pathetic Barclays [cindano]
Tuesday, October 30, 2007 18:14

and you quote fabregas....

Do you want to consult on the winner of the marathon as well?

Kila kitu kiasi...kazi...kula...kucheza...kunywa...hata ujinga
Pathetic Barclays [PONDI]
Tuesday, October 30, 2007 18:10

as fabregas said,Arsenal are playing like Brazil at its very best. sato Man-useless will see more fire!!!!  Arsenal 2 Man-useless 1.... an own goal i might add!!

oh BBK should support local footie....ok footbal in kenya is dead,they should just support volleyball or running. kwanza did you see that msapere (kikuyu) who ran like a hawker fleeing council askaris and won the Stanchart marathon? wolololo that dude made me happy. so did that woman who had borrowed 1200 busfare to be able to participate and won!!!
kazi iendeleee lakini..............
Pathetic Barclays [cindano]
Tuesday, October 30, 2007 17:54


Barclays advertising on Man U plays makes sense....

Barclays advertising when Arse-nal play NO-SENSE!!!

Kila kitu kiasi...kazi...kula...kucheza...kunywa...hata ujinga
kabisa [ikonini]
Tuesday, October 30, 2007 17:49

Man -U 4 Gunners 1.aint a bad score.


stock trading is a matter of timing.a minute can make you lose or gain a million box.
Pathetic Barclays [cindano]
Tuesday, October 30, 2007 17:18

And by the way...

MAN U 4: Arse-nals 2

Kila kitu kiasi...kazi...kula...kucheza...kunywa...hata ujinga
Pathetic Barclays [cindano]
Tuesday, October 30, 2007 17:06

True that...

however..... what proportion of those target folks identify with Barclays....UK brand....???

Kila kitu kiasi...kazi...kula...kucheza...kunywa...hata ujinga
Pathetic Barclays [mtaalam]
Tuesday, October 30, 2007 17:01

I think it makes a lot of sense locally too. This weekend Arsenal are playing Man-U. I can bet you that the day before the match,actual day and day after; all the back pages of the paper will splash big coloured pictures and long articles of the two teams. Anything local will get decimal coverage (God forbid the Boston marathon is this wkend and a kenyan wins). Now with that kind of attention,wouldn't you wanna take advantage of the advertising opportunity?
Pathetic Barclays [cindano]
Tuesday, October 30, 2007 16:43

Yes totally... business sense....universal/global market yes...

but local/municipal marketing???

Kila kitu kiasi...kazi...kula...kucheza...kunywa...hata ujinga
Pathetic Barclays [mtaalam]
Tuesday, October 30, 2007 16:30

In secondary school football they are sponsoring and CSR,not advertising.
If I'm not wrong the guy who started the post was saying it's pathetic running adverts on English premiership here while they could do it using a Kenyan sport.
And my reply is,they sponsor the Barclays Premiership,which is a bigger attraction than any sport that we excel in. It just makes good business sense. Do you not agree?
Pathetic Barclays [same ol G ]
Tuesday, October 30, 2007 16:22

The way I see all this is like a mother praising a neighbour's child infront of her own kids....surely this is a footballing nation like it or not why not do that then directly to clubs like Tusker,Sony,Mathare....just look at how many pros come from such teams

if you live to please others you will never please yourself
Pathetic Barclays [cindano]
Tuesday, October 30, 2007 15:32


the thread reads .....advertising........ Premier League...track kings...volley ball queens...

how would you not connect advertising to core business... you need advertising for your core business.....


if so........ BBK in secondary schools....????


Kila kitu kiasi...kazi...kula...kucheza...kunywa...hata ujinga
Pathetic Barclays [mtaalam]
Tuesday, October 30, 2007 15:23

cindano,I don't think their professional (core business) conduct is been questioned in this particular discussion,maybe in the other posts...
Pathetic Barclays [cindano]
Tuesday, October 30, 2007 15:00

No one is blaming any one.... 

their conduct is being questioned....on top of giving us services in need of improvement....

secondary school football???? investment????

is that their core activity???


Kila kitu kiasi...kazi...kula...kucheza...kunywa...hata ujinga
Pathetic Barclays [mtaalam]
Tuesday, October 30, 2007 14:48

Be a bit objective.
Firstly Barclays is the title sponsor of the Barclay Premiership (England League) so automatically they are entitled to promote it in the world to get mileage from their investment. Secondly,why blame a foreigner for our failures? Who in their right mind would want to sponsor the confused and corrupt Kenyan League? Thirdly,BBK has invested alot in secondary school football including buying them kits.
Maybe it's time we asked ourselves what we and our local companies are doing and should do.
Pathetic Barclays [cindano]
Tuesday, October 30, 2007 14:26

same ol....same ol...

coz their mamas and their papas are not here....

this is a foreign venture....

readily siphooning profits back to mama and papa in you know where........

what invetsments to they do here locally without consulting huko back home????

Kila kitu kiasi...kazi...kula...kucheza...kunywa...hata ujinga
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